• To blah is not to blah. To blah is setting aside a part of you, coloured in a mirage that actually exists, and physically doesn't.

Monday, August 27, 2012

In Between

Awash with darkness,
in this room
where raindrops array on windows
like musical notes
and outside the rain breaks into song,
time lulls between us
and silences words
while you in your Sartre
and I in Borges immerse
till the moments lose
themselves in shadows
and leave footprints in us

In your fist, snared,
my life
till the end of breath
trapped, though it were,
my love escaped.

The pin pricks
of lost days
smuggled themselves
into this moment.

In the blink of an eye
scars reappeared
as the soul lay beneath the rocks.
Trampled. Writhing. Trapped.

And then forever
Still. Still. Death.


That was then.
The secret rendezvous in the diffused moonlight
the long silence of sighs and stolen glances,
the play of silhouettes on the whitewashed walls,
and your breath whispering to me.

And now.
As our life arranges itself like a Courbet painting,
no more the sighs or glimpses or shadow play
setting our romance free

For no more do I need an alibi, love
'cause you already breathe in me.

Tea-cup full

SitLets’ talk banter—fatuous, vacuousthis will mean more to metomorrow,later, in a memoryDon’tLet’s not philosophizethis cup of tea doesn’t demand it,nor do I.Only fill it with silence.EnoughSense is creeping in,we have moved to another moment;no more this.Until another hello.