• To blah is not to blah. To blah is setting aside a part of you, coloured in a mirage that actually exists, and physically doesn't.

Monday, August 27, 2012

In Between

Awash with darkness,
in this room
where raindrops array on windows
like musical notes
and outside the rain breaks into song,
time lulls between us
and silences words
while you in your Sartre
and I in Borges immerse
till the moments lose
themselves in shadows
and leave footprints in us


  1. beautifully written as always...awakens the lulled soul to the richness of emotions conveyed...Enriching!

  2. such a simple episode in life captured so vividly, intentionally unobtrusive...especially the last three lines awaken the mind to re-live moments we take for granted and which fly past us.

  3. interesting how familiarity yet a distant feeling come together in this...
