• To blah is not to blah. To blah is setting aside a part of you, coloured in a mirage that actually exists, and physically doesn't.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Note:

Ok. Screw all promises and resolutions. I agree I have not been blogging regularly( and I am not ashamed, life's busy...and the brain's empty). 
But now, to more important things.....Parents are here...visiting, pampering and making my house a home. The two people in the world you can always take for granted...the two people who you know will never say NO....and the two people with whom at some point and time in life you have had a love-hate relationship.
It's strange how we experience different relationships with these two people- you are first their child, then their friend(of course many don't know what that's like and it is indeed....sad) and strangely enough, later in life, a parent(yes when your parents return to their second childhood, it is often like that). And, again, strangely enough all these roles are worth it.....
So, anyway, parents are here...the house feels warmer, the food IS better and yours truly does not need to be responsible for 10 days. The home is filled with loud cheer, long hugs, soft giggles, music, pitter, patter and thump, thump of feet and a general YAY attitude...
Now all of us who have tasted life in a different city, start feeling a little shifty and restless when asked to spend more than a certain period of time with parents...the taste of independence does that to us. Parents, are thus taken more for granted..... It seems cooler to say "I like living alone" and all the hurt that the parent generation feels is shoved gently under layers of "Well, we are happy for you...you are all so-grown up and responsible".
But dear parents.....we(as the generic children class) are idiots most of the time. We live alone and put up a brave front, only to be able to cope....we claim to love independence, only to console ourselves of all the things we feel deprived of and we do complain about you, only because that's what children do...
But we love you more than you will ever ever imagine and the only thing we want to really do is to run home and live off your money....and stretch our  childhood days to eternity. 
Yet we will still be living alone as pretending adults and still be managing in our incomplete ways...because you have taught us well and well....that's what we( the generic class of children) do.


  1. this was BRILLIANT
    i cant believe you wrote exactly how all of us feel in such plain simple words
    and so accurately emotion filled
    its awesomeeeeeeeee
    i feel like copy pasting this and sending it to Archies' to make a card

  2. Couldn't agree more with Esha!!! It's just perfect :)

  3. Amazing ..... just too good ... u've done a great job ...i'll suggest my friends to read this as well ........

  4. From Ma and Baba:
    Many of the things reminded us of our relationship with our parents. We are really grateful to God that he has blessed us with a daughter like you.Thank you God!
    Thank you Sohini! We are really very very happy today. Now we feel we have a second home in Hyderabad. We are proud of you, dear Editorsaheba!

  5. Even though I am not sure I agree with everything you said (maybe I just don't want to accept it still), this is an incredibly mature and a VERY well written piece :)

    You surprise me, every once in a while :P

  6. Spoken like a true blue generic class child... i love... i miss home

  7. for the second time :)
    i agree when you say that we just wanna run home and live off our parent's money! sigh... not having to work for bread and butter and have ur loved ones arnd u all the time... thats luxury!
    Miss home now... when do you think i'll get leave? :)

  8. well thought out.. well expressed!

  9. Sohini!!! I didnt know you write so well..I LOVED this one!!!
